GL Release

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GL Release

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The GL Release tab collects all the transactions generated by the users in the various cases. The display is divided between GL (top) and DDA (bottom) transactions. The list of transactions shown is based upon the Case Type for which the user is authorized.







Delayed GL Release

RegE transaction events can be configured to hold transactions from a GL release for a specified number of days.  Within the RegE event setup, a transaction event (ie... Reversal of Provisional Credit) can be configured to delay the release of the transaction for a specific number of days.  (More detail listed under Events - Reversal Provisional Credit).  Once this event is used the transaction will show up on the GL release grid highlighted in grey.  A release date will be listed in the far right column showing what day the transaction will actually be released.  The users will still be able to release all active transactions by using the All button as those transactions with a delay will not be selected or released until the date listed.





GL Batch#

The GL Batch # will show the batch number for the transactions to be released and will automatically increment by one each time the Release to Host is taken.



The Totals fields will display total debits and credits.  These should be equal if the DDA Create Auto GL Tran is set in the Setup Parameter screen.


DDA Batch#

The DDA Batch # will automatically increment by one each time the Release to Host is taken.



The Totals fields will display total debits and credits.  For the DDA application, they do not have to equal.


Memo Post

The Memo Post option allows for selected DDA transactions to be memo posted so that they are immediately available to the customer. DDA transactions that have been memo posted will be marked and cannot be released a second time.




Release to Host

The Release to Host button (see above screen shot) will release all checked transactions for nighttime posting. For the GL transactions, the totals to be released will need to be in balance. Once transactions have been released to the host, they are removed from the grid.


Auto Memo Post

This option, when checked will combine the Memo Post and Host Post of transactions into a single operation.


A journal report of all transactions that are being release is created for each release.An example of a Journal report is shown below:






A message dialog box will be displayed when the release process is complete as displayed below.




Automatic PDF of GL Release journals


Prior version of the program required the operator to print the GL Release journal in order to have a record of the transactions that where released. The program has now been enhanced to automatically PDF both the Memo Post and the EOD release journal as PDF files to the default PDF location.




The location is pre-defined as a dated folder in the "Report Output Path" as shown under the Setup / System Setup tab.


Designated Alternate PDF Archive Path


One of our clients requested that selected reports, in their case, the GL Release journals, be archived to an alternate, user defined location.

This client has developed an automatic import mechanism for any reports placed into this designated area into their Synergy document storage system. It is our understanding that this import is a standard functionality of Synergy and therefore this feature of designating routine, but important, reports to be automatically archived is a useful functionality.

