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Main Menu | RegE | RegE Setup | Events
The Events tab contains the different types of events a case may have during its life cycle. The Events become templates which are used in the management of the individual cases.
The concept behind defining these events is that they can be configured so that multiple users perform the same functionality consistently. The list of events configured here will be presented during the management of the individual cases.
Besides having a number of individual options, events can be combined with pre-configured transactions and/or form letters.
If an event has one or more transactions associated with it, then pre-defined transactions combined with the custom case information such as the clients branch and account number will be generated.
If an event has a form letter connected with it, then a Microsoft Word Merge Letter will be generated that is automatically populated with information from the case.
The event grid at the top of the screen displays the various events set up by the user.
Events are configured specific to Case Type, which is selected at the top of the screen
Seq - The Sequence number is used to allow the user to order the events in a logical fashion. It can easily be edited after the initial event has been setup.
Event Name - The Event Name will describe the event is the selection list during the case editing. It is required to be unique.
Event Type - Certain events are specialized and will be designated with one of the drop-down choices. The specialized events are: |
NSF - An event designating a NSF claim by the customer. Use of such an event will make the transaction amount show on the NSF tab. |
Fee Refund - This event type should be used to designate any type of transaction used to credit the customer for any fees incurred as part of the disputed transactions. This should include NSF fees if the NSF tab is not to be used. |
Prov Credit - Events that provide provisional credit to the customer should be marked with this event type. Use of such an event will be used to determine if the Next Due Date requirement of the case has been met. It also provides the Provisional Credit date in the merge data for the form letters. |
Perm Credit - Events that provide permanent credit to the customer should be market with this event type.Use of such an event will be used to determine if the Next Due Date requirement of the case has been met. It also provides the Permanent Credit date in the merge data for the form letters. |
Prov. Credit Ltr - The event that generates the provisional credit form letter should be marked with this event type. If the CheckList functionality is used, this event type will satisfy the "Provisional Credit Letter to customer" item. |
Perm. Credit Ltr - The event that generate a permanent credit form letter should be marked with this event type. If the CheckList functionality is used, this event type will satisfy the "Permanent Credit Letter to customer" item. |
Research - The event that records the fact that the dispute were challenged with the card processor should be marked with this event type. If the CheckList functionality is used, this event type will satisfy the "Claims submitted for resolution research" line item. |
Resolution Letter - Any of the events that generate form letters notifying the customer of the final outcome of the research should be marked with this event type. If the CheckList functionality is used, this event type will satisfy the "Letter informing customer of results of claim research " line item. |
Interest Refund - An event marked with this event type will trigger the calculation of an interest refund through a special dialog. |
Partial/No Refund - An event, if used in a case with this event type, will inform the monitor report checking all active cases for proper credit that this case is exempted from a full credit. |
Email The event that prompts for an Outlook email to be sent and records the transmission of the email in the case |
General Letter The event that generates a letter (not a Prov. Credit, Perm Credit, or Resolution letter). This will not satisfy any checklist event. Example: Letter to acknowledge receipt of dispute |
Next Action + - An event can be configured to automatically drive the Next Due Date forward by a given number of days. This can be used if the event requires a follow-up in a certain number of days.
Description - The item enter here will be the default description of the event when used in the case management. It can always be replaced when the actual event is used.
Popup Message - The message entered here will be displayed to the user when the event is used and saved in a given case. This can serve as a reminder of some external action that may need to be done when this even is used.
Case Status | Associates a case status with the event, which updates the status of the case when the event is added to the case. |
Multi-Dispute - This check will designate the event to be used in automatically generating multiple transaction events based upon the threshold amount configuration.
Sum Disputes - This checkbox will cause the multi-dispute event to sum all dispute amounts and generate only a single transaction set.
Threshold - This option designate the event as a multi-dispute event and defines the operation of the event. The available choices are: |
Less than or equal to - Defines that the dispute amount has to be less or equal to the Threshold amount to be selected by the event |
Greater than - Defines that the dispute amount has to be greater than the Threshold amount to be selected by the event |
Threshold Amount - This is the amount to be used in the configured multi-dispute event.
Transactions - The grid shows all configured transactions. Checking the check box next to a selected transaction will connect the transaction to the event. Any time the event is used, the associated transaction will be generated from the case information.
Form Letters - The grid shows all configured form letters. Checking the check box next to a selected transaction will connect the form letter to the event. When the event is saved, the form letter is launched in Microsoft WORD and merged with data from the case.
Events can only be configured as a Transaction or Form Letter event, not both.