Check List

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Check List

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Case Check List


This list allows the user to configure by Case Type which items should be part of the case check list.  The Check List items are tied to events in the case.  If a case does not have an event that is on the checklist by the required time, the checklist item will be flagged, indicating that a step may be missed in the case.  If the event is completed in the case, it will be checked off automatically as completed. Predefined check list user descriptions are in blue (not editable).




Customer Affidavit of dispute claims

An Affidavit has been successfully imported into the case

The "DocType" of the document is required to be "Affidavit" in order to be recognized by the Checklist.

Due Date: Prov. Credit Date.


Customer receipts of dispute claims

Documents classified as Other have been successfully imported into the case (this one is not widely used)

This checklist item is rarely used.


Required credits of disputed transactions

The customer has received credit (either provisional and/or permanent) for all disputed transactions in the case

The Checklist will sum all transaction events marked with an event type of either ProvCredit or PermCredit and except it to total the sum of the disputed transactions.

Due Date: Prov.Credit Date


Interest Refund to the customer

The checklist will be marked completed if the account has a current rate, and the Interest refund event is added to the case. If the Account rate is zero, the item will set itself to "Not Applicable"

Due Date: Prov. Credit Date


Provisional Credit letter to the customer

If Provisional Credit transactions where issue on the case, the "Provisional Credit Letter" becomes a mandatory item. A letter event of type "ProvCRLetter" will be required to be added to the case. If no Prov. Credits were issue or before any credits where given, the item will set itself to "Not Applicable".

Due Date: Prov. Credit Event Date + 1 day


Permanent Credit letter to the customer

If Permanent or Final Credit transactions were issued, the "Permanent Credit Letter" item becomes mandatory. It can be satisfied by either a "PermCRLetter" or "Resolution Letter" event.

Due Date: Perm Credit Event Date + 1 day


Claims submitted for resolution research

This checklist item is unfortunately named in a very confusing way and is frequently mis-interpreted. It represents the submittal of disputes to the institutions dispute processor. It is depending upon that Provisional Credit where issued on the case. An event of type "Research" is required in the case to satisfy this checklist item.

Due Date: Prov. Credit Event Date + 1 day


Letter informing customer of results of the claim research

All RegE cases require that a final letter informing the customer of the outcome of the claim is send before a case is closed. Any letter event of type "Resolution Letter" will satisfy this checklist item. The Regulatory requirement would be by the Deadline date, but an extra buffer has been added to allow for proper completion of this item before the case is closed.

Due Date: Deadline Date - 3 days


Dispute Resolution Assign

This checklist item, if active, enforces that Dispute Resolution Assignment on all dispute transactions have been switched from the default "None" to one of the configured choices. The Due date for this assignment is 5 days before the Deadline date.

Due Date: Deadline Date - 5 days


Case still open by Deadline date

The checklist will be marked completed if the case has a Closed event added before the deadline.  

If all required provisions for completing a RegE Case from the customers side have been made (Required credits and Resolution Letter), the case may be held open beyond the deadline date without this item becoming overdue. The case will be marked in green in the inventory listing identifying this case as having been completed for RegE, but possibly still held open for Chargeback or Arbitration reasons.

Due Date: Deadline Date



Custom checklist items must have an associated event established under Events. The event must use the event type associated with the check list item.


Items in the checklist may be sequenced in a logical order of events for the case type by renumbering the Sequence number  The grid will sort the same way it is displayed in the actual case, based on the Active option being checked and the Seq number assigned to the the checklist item.  


Use System Defined shows checklist items in blue that have been set up internally in the program to allow use as needed.  Events can be configured to use these internal checklist Event Types.

