System Overview

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System Overview

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Regulation E Management System is an application to help the institution manage its fiduciary responsibilities in customer transaction dispute resolution (Reg E).


Major Features

Management of Disputes are Case and Case Event based

The main design of the system will be centered around a disputed case for each customer dispute and within the case, chronological events that track the resolution of the dispute. Case events are user defined. As part of the event definition, certain system actions, such as the generation of G/L entries or printing of reports, can be associated with an event.


Establishment of Customer, Account and Transaction Information from the Host System

During the establishment of a case, information that is available on the host system, such as customer name, address and account information along with the disputed transactions will be downloaded.


Generation of G/L and Application Transactions

As part of the case resolution, the system will generate the provisional credit transactions and if necessary, the reversal of such credit if the resolution was in the institution's favor.


Generation of Form Letters

Various form letters that are required during the resolution of a dispute will be generated by the system as part of the chronological events mechanism.


Optional Branch module for dispute initiation at the branch office

The Branch module provides the ability to initiate the disputes directly at the branch office and electronically transmit it back to the back office for processing. Status information about a pending dispute can be requested electronically.


Controller module to monitor timely handling of all disputes

The controller module can monitor the timely processing of delivered branch disputes. It can also provide alerts if cases have reached the resolution deadline date.



Major Features Available in All Modules

 Audit Functionality

All significant events will be automatically recorded by the system in an audit log.


 Multi-User Functionality

Access to the system will be provided in a multi-user, networked environment. The system will allow multiple users simultaneous access to the system.


 Security Level Functionality

Operation of the system will be tied to user assigned security levels.  These levels will determine the functionality available when operating the software.  There will be an IT level user, which will have authority to add new users and assign file level parameters.  However, no other access will be available to the IT level user.  The file parameter screen will not be available to non-IT level users.